24 July, 2022

OOAK Doll Custom: LOL Tweens Repaint


I really like the size of these LOL Surprise Tweens, but honestly... the eyes on the LOL dolls bother me. They're so big, they're so ROUND, and the eyelashes and makeup are not my cup of tea. There's nothing wrong at all if you like their original look, or dislike my repaints, I just happen to want to apply my own tastes to my own dolls.

I used my albrecht durer and museum pencils to redraw the faces on these girls after using the Dremel tool I got for my birthday to smooth down the eye sockets and a bit of the face on the dolls. I redrew the eyes in more of a chibi style, similar to what people are familiar with in Animal Crossing, or anime drawings. I wanted a simple style I could recreate. 

Tifa (left) and Inez the Patchwork Princess (right), were the result. Inez was the first one I did, and her darker skin made the accidental gouges from the Dremel more obvious. Since it was the first time I'd done such a thing, I had a few oopies, and I found that the paint and pattern covered those issues as well as gave her so much personality. Tifa had an easier time of it, since I'd practised some more, and I just blended in the new style with her original clothing as I'd done with Inez.

And for those that don't want to look up the dolls, this is what they looked like freshly unboxed.