I thought I'd finish this picture on the 1st, because that'd be cool, right? A cute kissing picture for the new year like the tradition at midnight. I only did that once before I was married, now it's kinda "well, we're supposed to, right?" because yeah 20 years of marriage. But colouring it is cute. I'm out of Magnus/Alec kissing pictures, so I picked this one of Clary and Jace. I looked up the scene in the books, made sure of what Clary and Jace were wearing, and then realised I'd have to draw a complicated background created in Angel's Square by the fae. Yeah thanks, guys. I decided to use the god's rays to highlight their faces and lips cos, yeah, it's about the kissing for this scene. I used mostly Copics, as is my wont, and a bit of polychromos to round out their hair and skin tones and deepen the blacks of the shadows.